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WHAT THE FLASH MOB (Unexpected Dance and Music)

FLASH MOB? Flush Mob?! PLUS mob?! What?

A flash mob is a group of people who give a choreographed but unannounced performance in a public space. There are lots of different flash mob styles, from pure entertainment to advertising to tributes to political protests. Sounds Exciting? Yes Of course!

Flash mob can be a Musical Performance or Dance Performance, It is unplanned but well organized! WTF? WHUT THE FLASHMOB!!!

The term, coined in 2003, is generally not applied to events and performances organized for the purposes of politics (such as protests), commercial advertisement, publicity stunts that involve public relation firms, or paid professionals.


In that case, let's watch the top 15 FLASH MOB all over the world


1.) Piccadilly Circus, London

An all-girls flash mob to the hit “Single Ladies” made waves in London’s Piccadilly Circus where 100 women performed a spectacular choreographed dance.

2.) Cidade do México

The sheer size of this flash mob made it a hit on YouTube and earned it a Guiness Book World Record for largest flash mob with nearly 14,000 people performing the choreography of Michael Jackson’s Thriller.

3.) Ohio State University

Students, professors and staff members of Ohio State University went viral with their flash mob performance to “Don’t Stop Believing”. This flash mob starts with the classic beginning of one dancer performing to the music that then spreads to hundreds of choreographed participants.

4.) Black Eyed Peas on Oprah

The Black-Eyed Peas performing on Oprah was exciting enough. But imagine Oprah’s surprise when the audience stood up and began a coordinated dance routine to their hit song “I Got a Feeling.”

5.) Liverpool Street Station, London

In January of 2009, the crowd at Liverpool Street Station suddenly broke into song and dance as 400 tourists and staff members showed off their hip-hop, disco and ballroom moves. The flash performance was so outrageous and fun that T-Mobile decided to use it for an advertising campaign.

6.) Philippines Prison

The inmates of a Philippine prison in Cebu banded together to shoot a flash mob dance routine set to Michael Jackson’s Thriller. The act actually became a tourist attraction as visitors flocked to watch the 1,500 inmates perform. The event even inspired a movie titled “Dance of the Steel Bars” a story about redemption behind prison walls.

7.) Worldwide Pregnant Break dancing

Perhaps one of the most unusual flash mobs is the viral videos of pregnant women breakdancing in capital cities across the world. The videos were made with the goal of bringing to attention the dangers of giving birth in developing nations and the lack of healthcare pregnant women are receiving in poorer nations.

8.) Grand Central Station, New York

With 21.5 million YouTube views, the flash mob of Grand Central Station where all the participants are going about their business and then suddenly freeze in position at the same time took the internet by storm. About 200 people are estimated to have participated in this fun spin on the flash mob.

9.) Berlin

Shoppers in a Berlin shopping mall were delighted by the 1,000 strong orchestra (50 of which were members of the German Symphony Orchestra) who played classical works while shoppers marveled in wonder.

10.) Antwerp, Belgium

Whoever looked forward to Christmas time when they were a child because it meant getting to watch The Sound of Music multiple times would love the flash mob that went down in Antwerp. Riffing on the classic “Do Re Mi” tune sung in the film, a group of 200 broke out into song and dance. The performance was actually an ad for a T.V. show in Belgium which was auditioning for lead roles in The Sound of Music.

11.) Mamma Mia!

We love a bit of cheese and admit to having Abba as a guilty pleasure. Racking up a formidable 4.3 million views a group of musical lovers performed this upbeat Abba medley in one of Sao Paolo’s shopping centres to the delight of the crowd. Despite it being filmed in 2011, it has to be one of the most fun, energetic and vibrant flashmobs in our list.

12.) No Pants Flash Mob

The TopSecret team are huge fans of Improv Everywhere a performance company in the USA. Like us, they were performing flash mobs before the term was even coined. Back in 2002 they started their ‘No Pants Subway Rides’ which turned out to be an annual event, No explanation is required but the video is definitely worth a watch as it shows how far society has come since then. There are many nude flash mobs all over the world but Improv Everywhere got into hot water from travelling the subway without any trousers on.

13.) Buckginham Palace

Some of our crew actually took part in the Big Dance’s Buckingham Palace flashmob in 2011. Over 100 people participated in the routine to celebrate Young People in the Performing Arts hosted by The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh. Just one of our many London flash mobs.

14.) MP3 Experiment Light

Improv Everywhere enjoy their second entry in our top 20 list of best flash mobs ever. Part of their MP3 Experiment Series, they fed instructions to over 3,500 participants and what happened next was an outstanding exhibition of remote ‘choreography’ that was a sensational visual spectacle.

15.) Gangnam Soldier Style

Hats off to this Gangnam Style inspired flash mob performed by the Indonesian Army. We love military performances as they’re just so unexpected and these guys did an incredible job. Flash Mobbing is all about engagement, entertainment and enjoyment. This ticks every box.


A flash mob is a group of strangers who organize themselves, using electronic media such as cell phones or the Internet, to gather together in a public place, behave in a predetermined manner for a predetermined amount of time, and then quickly disperse.

A successful flash mob event depends on the element of surprise. Participants, called mobsters, share news about the time and place for an upcoming event through postings on blogs, chain e-mail messages, SMS text messages and social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.




Dance with Music creates and conduct a Flash Mob for a cause to give and help needy children in Blessed Daycare Center in Barangay Valle Cruz, Cabanatuan City. Jenine Flaminiano, Chester Lance Castro & Franzcine Monic Manalili are the Three Masterminds of the Event.

44 Students coming from Grade 7, 8 & 9 Students voluntarily joined the Flash mob

  1. Allyson Romualdo

  2. Andrea Mateo Obedoza

  3. Angela Joi Arcibal Callanta

  4. Angelo Mudlong

  5. Anne Santiago

  6. Ashanti Cruz

  7. Ashanti Macy Javier

  8. Balaquidan Cathlene

  9. Bizzy Wayne

  10. Charles Thomas Ignacio

  11. Christian Sibayan Urnus

  12. Clyde Vincent Martinez

  13. Comely Cornelio Requintel

  14. Dave Brian Catahan

  15. Dizon Tiffany

  16. Dizzy Vaughn

  17. Earl Lawrence Orgil

  18. Ethan Gio Mangalonzo

  19. Florenze Anne Cayman

  20. Gerdyn Lopez

  21. Gerli Ganao

  22. Guinness G. Maza

  23. Isabella Veneracion

  24. Jamie Manalastas

  25. Jan Jazmine Ferrer

  26. Janine Victoria Limos

  27. Jasmine Rodriquez

  28. Jasmine Zhania Corpuz Jimenez

  29. Jazelle Santiago

  30. Jeniffer Rodriquez

  31. Jhuzrean Loigh Cunanan

  32. Joana Beatrice Jugo

  33. Joseph Mielle

  34. Juan Miguel Sese

  35. Julianne Alla

  36. Karl Chua

  37. Kay Pascual

  38. Ma Alexa Xandrea Santos

  39. Marion Yanga

  40. Louie Jei Marquez

  41. Mikaela Galindo

  42. Mikhail Hyacinth

  43. Nash Berber

  44. Paulo Pau

  45. Veona Perez

  46. Ylena Rodriquez

5 Days of Preparation

November 18,19,20,21,26, Five days of preparation for the Flash Mob and Gift Giving was held and conducted by 3 Masterminds, They are the founder of This website, They are the Driver of these Event and They have only one purpose, To make others Smile through MUSIC AND DANCING

3 Master Minds

  1. Jenine A. Flaminiano

  2. Chester Lance M. Castro

  3. Franzcine Monic Manalili

2 Events

  1. Flash Mob + Carolling

  2. Gift Giving in Daycare Center

1 Purpose



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